
Filtri attivi

  • Marca: Cannawell
  • Marca: Medihemp

47,00 €

169,60 €

203,84 €

92,21 €

92,21 €

133,88 €

238,07 €

111,56 €

163,65 €

74,35 €

104,11 €

44,58 €

148,77 €

66,90 €

89,23 €

40,11 €

28,21 €

59,46 €

96,67 €

28,21 €

89,23 €

25,23 €

223,19 €

59,46 €

55,00 €

Prodotto 100% naturale a base di olio di cocco MCT C8 biologico, vegan e in assenza di: glutine, lattosio, conservanti, pesticidi e ingredienti sintetici.
È un prodotto non psicotropo, uno dei migliori derivati disponibili oggi sul mercato europeo tra quelli che impiegano un estratto Broad Spectrum di CBD - 1000mg di cannabidiolo e fitocannabinoidi secondari

Formula migliorata – Albedo Farmaceutica è un’azienda specializzata nell’estrazione del CBD tramite soluzioni solvent free.
L’estratto puro al CBD si ottiene tramite un processo che conserva quanti più cannabinoidi possibili, elimina la parte vegetale superflua riuscendo a garantire la massima purezza nei prodotti. I lavorati conservano tutte le proprietà benefiche del CBD nel rispetto delle normative vigenti.

• OLIO RICCO DI CBD: L’Olio di CBD offerto da Open Cirlce e Albedo Farmaceutica ha una concentrazione del 10% di Cannabidiolo, pari a 1000 mg di CBD disciolti in 10 ml.
• FORMULA MIGLIORATA: Grazie alla miscelazione di Olio MCT C8 e CBD Broad Spectrum solvent free, viene creato un effetto sinergico che favorisce l’assorbimento del CBD e massimizza i suoi molteplici benefici.
• SENZA THC: L’Olio di CBD offerto da Albedo Farmaceutica, grazie all’elevata purezza, non contiene tracce di THC. Olio per uso topico prodotto in America.
• QUALITÀ PREMIUM PER TUTTI: Il nostro CBD è 100% biologico e naturale.


47,00 €
Take 4 drops per day as required.

Medihemp Medihemp

169,60 €
Take 4 drops per day as required.

Medihemp Medihemp

203,84 €
Take 4 drops per day as required.

Medihemp Medihemp

92,21 €
Take 4 drops per day as required.

Medihemp Medihemp

92,21 €
Place 5 drops 3 or more times per dayunder the tongue as desired. To be consumed morning or night, on an empty or full stomach.

Cannawell Cannawell

133,88 €
Place 5 or more drops under the tongue up to 3 times per day or as desired. To be consumed morning or night, on an empty or full stomach.

Cannawell Cannawell

238,07 €
Place 5 or more drops under the tongue up to 3 times per day or as desired. To be consumed morning or night, on an empty or full stomach.

Cannawell Cannawell

111,56 €
Place 15 or more drops under the tongue as desired. To be consumed morning or night, on an empty or full stomach.

Cannawell Cannawell

163,65 €
Place 15 or more drops under the tongue as desired. To be consumed morning or night, on an empty or full stomach.

Cannawell Cannawell

74,35 €
Place 5 - 15 or more drops under the tongue as desired. To be consumed morning or night, on an empty or full stomach.

Cannawell Cannawell

104,11 €
Place 5 - 15 or more drops under the tongue as desired. To be consumed morning or night, on an empty or full stomach.

Cannawell Cannawell

44,58 €
Place 15 or more drops under the tongue as desired. To be consumed morning or night, on an empty or full stomach.

Cannawell Cannawell

148,77 €
Place 15 or more drops under the tongue as desired. To be consumed morning or night, on an empty or full stomach.

Cannawell Cannawell

66,90 €
Place 15 or more drops under the tongue as desired. To be consumed morning or night, on an empty or full stomach.

Cannawell Cannawell

89,23 €
Place 15 or more drops under the tongue as desired. To be consumed morning or night, on an empty or full stomach.

Cannawell Cannawell

40,11 €
Place 15 or more drops under the tongue as desired. To be consumed morning or night, on an empty or full stomach.

Cannawell Cannawell

28,21 €
Place 15 or more drops under the tongue as desired. To be consumed morning or night, on an empty or full stomach.

Cannawell Cannawell

59,46 €
Place 15 or more drops under the tongue as desired. To be consumed morning or night, on an empty or full stomach.

Cannawell Cannawell

96,67 €
Place 15 or more drops under the tongue as desired. To be consumed morning or night, on an empty or full stomach.

Cannawell Cannawell

28,21 €
Place 15 or more drops under the tongue as desired. To be consumed morning or night, on an empty or full stomach.

Cannawell Cannawell

89,23 €
Place 15 or more drops under the tongue as desired. To be consumed morning or night, on an empty or full stomach.

Cannawell Cannawell

25,23 €
Place 15 or more drops under the tongue as desired. To be consumed morning or night, on an empty or full stomach.

Cannawell Cannawell

223,19 €
Place 15 or more drops under the tongue as desired. To be consumed morning or night, on an empty or full stomach.

Cannawell Cannawell

59,46 €
Place 15 or more drops under the tongue as desired. To be consumed morning or night, on an empty or full stomach.

Cannawell Cannawell

55,00 €