
Elenco dei prodotti per la marca MANU CHILLUM

Manu ha realizzato la sua prima Clay Art quasi 20 anni fa, nel 1994. Dopo essersi innamorato di questo tipo di lavoro più e più volte, ha deciso nel 2000 di visitare l'India e saperne di più sulle radici dei chillum. Dopo due visite a questo bellissimo Paese era sicuro che quello fosse il posto in cui voleva vivere. Così si è trasferito a Chapora, Goa nel 2002.

Lì, ha migliorato le sue abilità e raccolto più esperienza nella creazione di Chillum anno dopo anno. Ancora oggi vive e lavora in India durante l'autunno, l'inverno e la primavera, mentre le estati sono riservate al suo Festival-Tour. Anche se i Festival cambiano più o meno ogni estate, molto probabilmente lo hai trovato e trovato all'O.Z.O.R.A. nel Ungheria, Antaris Festival in Germania, Noise Poison Festival in Slovacchia, Psycrowdelica e Freqs of Nature in Germania.

Nel frattempo, è conosciuto in tutto il mondo per il suo lavoro e per il suo carattere adorabile e aperto. poiché non è "solo" un artista Chillum ma anche un artista in molti altri modi, 

Filtri attivi

452,77 €

452,77 €

452,77 €

452,77 €

452,77 €

452,77 €

452,77 €

452,77 €

452,77 €

452,77 €

452,77 €

Manu made his first Clay Art almost 20 years ago, in 1994. After falling in Love with this kind of Work over and over again, he decided in 2000 to visit India and learn more about the Roots of Chillums.After two Visits to this beautiful Country he was sure that this was the Place he wanted to live. So he moved to Chapora, Goa in 2002. There, he improved his Skills and gathered more Experience in creating Chillums Year by Year. Nowadays he still lives and works in India during Autumn, Winter and Spring, while the Summers are reserved for his Festival-Tour. Even if the Festivals change more or less each Summer, you most probably found and find him at O.Z.O.R.A. in Hungary, Antaris Festival in Germany, Noise Poison Festival in Slovakia, Psycrowdelica as well as Freqs of Nature in Germany.


452,77 €

Manu made his first Clay Art almost 20 years ago, in 1994. After falling in Love with this kind of Work over and over again, he decided in 2000 to visit India and learn more about the Roots of Chillums.After two Visits to this beautiful Country he was sure that this was the Place he wanted to live. So he moved to Chapora, Goa in 2002. There, he improved his Skills and gathered more Experience in creating Chillums Year by Year. Nowadays he still lives and works in India during Autumn, Winter and Spring, while the Summers are reserved for his Festival-Tour. Even if the Festivals change more or less each Summer, you most probably found and find him at O.Z.O.R.A. in Hungary, Antaris Festival in Germany, Noise Poison Festival in Slovakia, Psycrowdelica as well as Freqs of Nature in Germany.


452,77 €

Manu made his first Clay Art almost 20 years ago, in 1994. After falling in Love with this kind of Work over and over again, he decided in 2000 to visit India and learn more about the Roots of Chillums.After two Visits to this beautiful Country he was sure that this was the Place he wanted to live. So he moved to Chapora, Goa in 2002. There, he improved his Skills and gathered more Experience in creating Chillums Year by Year. Nowadays he still lives and works in India during Autumn, Winter and Spring, while the Summers are reserved for his Festival-Tour. Even if the Festivals change more or less each Summer, you most probably found and find him at O.Z.O.R.A. in Hungary, Antaris Festival in Germany, Noise Poison Festival in Slovakia, Psycrowdelica as well as Freqs of Nature in Germany.


452,77 €

Manu made his first Clay Art almost 20 years ago, in 1994. After falling in Love with this kind of Work over and over again, he decided in 2000 to visit India and learn more about the Roots of Chillums.After two Visits to this beautiful Country he was sure that this was the Place he wanted to live. So he moved to Chapora, Goa in 2002. There, he improved his Skills and gathered more Experience in creating Chillums Year by Year. Nowadays he still lives and works in India during Autumn, Winter and Spring, while the Summers are reserved for his Festival-Tour. Even if the Festivals change more or less each Summer, you most probably found and find him at O.Z.O.R.A. in Hungary, Antaris Festival in Germany, Noise Poison Festival in Slovakia, Psycrowdelica as well as Freqs of Nature in Germany.


452,77 €

Manu made his first Clay Art almost 20 years ago, in 1994. After falling in Love with this kind of Work over and over again, he decided in 2000 to visit India and learn more about the Roots of Chillums.After two Visits to this beautiful Country he was sure that this was the Place he wanted to live. So he moved to Chapora, Goa in 2002. There, he improved his Skills and gathered more Experience in creating Chillums Year by Year. Nowadays he still lives and works in India during Autumn, Winter and Spring, while the Summers are reserved for his Festival-Tour. Even if the Festivals change more or less each Summer, you most probably found and find him at O.Z.O.R.A. in Hungary, Antaris Festival in Germany, Noise Poison Festival in Slovakia, Psycrowdelica as well as Freqs of Nature in Germany.


452,77 €

Manu made his first Clay Art almost 20 years ago, in 1994. After falling in Love with this kind of Work over and over again, he decided in 2000 to visit India and learn more about the Roots of Chillums.After two Visits to this beautiful Country he was sure that this was the Place he wanted to live. So he moved to Chapora, Goa in 2002. There, he improved his Skills and gathered more Experience in creating Chillums Year by Year. Nowadays he still lives and works in India during Autumn, Winter and Spring, while the Summers are reserved for his Festival-Tour. Even if the Festivals change more or less each Summer, you most probably found and find him at O.Z.O.R.A. in Hungary, Antaris Festival in Germany, Noise Poison Festival in Slovakia, Psycrowdelica as well as Freqs of Nature in Germany.


452,77 €

Manu made his first Clay Art almost 20 years ago, in 1994. After falling in Love with this kind of Work over and over again, he decided in 2000 to visit India and learn more about the Roots of Chillums.After two Visits to this beautiful Country he was sure that this was the Place he wanted to live. So he moved to Chapora, Goa in 2002. There, he improved his Skills and gathered more Experience in creating Chillums Year by Year. Nowadays he still lives and works in India during Autumn, Winter and Spring, while the Summers are reserved for his Festival-Tour. Even if the Festivals change more or less each Summer, you most probably found and find him at O.Z.O.R.A. in Hungary, Antaris Festival in Germany, Noise Poison Festival in Slovakia, Psycrowdelica as well as Freqs of Nature in Germany.


452,77 €

Manu made his first Clay Art almost 20 years ago, in 1994. After falling in Love with this kind of Work over and over again, he decided in 2000 to visit India and learn more about the Roots of Chillums.After two Visits to this beautiful Country he was sure that this was the Place he wanted to live. So he moved to Chapora, Goa in 2002. There, he improved his Skills and gathered more Experience in creating Chillums Year by Year. Nowadays he still lives and works in India during Autumn, Winter and Spring, while the Summers are reserved for his Festival-Tour. Even if the Festivals change more or less each Summer, you most probably found and find him at O.Z.O.R.A. in Hungary, Antaris Festival in Germany, Noise Poison Festival in Slovakia, Psycrowdelica as well as Freqs of Nature in Germany.


452,77 €

Manu made his first Clay Art almost 20 years ago, in 1994. After falling in Love with this kind of Work over and over again, he decided in 2000 to visit India and learn more about the Roots of Chillums.After two Visits to this beautiful Country he was sure that this was the Place he wanted to live. So he moved to Chapora, Goa in 2002. There, he improved his Skills and gathered more Experience in creating Chillums Year by Year. Nowadays he still lives and works in India during Autumn, Winter and Spring, while the Summers are reserved for his Festival-Tour. Even if the Festivals change more or less each Summer, you most probably found and find him at O.Z.O.R.A. in Hungary, Antaris Festival in Germany, Noise Poison Festival in Slovakia, Psycrowdelica as well as Freqs of Nature in Germany.


452,77 €

Manu made his first Clay Art almost 20 years ago, in 1994. After falling in Love with this kind of Work over and over again, he decided in 2000 to visit India and learn more about the Roots of Chillums.After two Visits to this beautiful Country he was sure that this was the Place he wanted to live. So he moved to Chapora, Goa in 2002. There, he improved his Skills and gathered more Experience in creating Chillums Year by Year. Nowadays he still lives and works in India during Autumn, Winter and Spring, while the Summers are reserved for his Festival-Tour. Even if the Festivals change more or less each Summer, you most probably found and find him at O.Z.O.R.A. in Hungary, Antaris Festival in Germany, Noise Poison Festival in Slovakia, Psycrowdelica as well as Freqs of Nature in Germany.


452,77 €

Manu made his first Clay Art almost 20 years ago, in 1994. After falling in Love with this kind of Work over and over again, he decided in 2000 to visit India and learn more about the Roots of Chillums.After two Visits to this beautiful Country he was sure that this was the Place he wanted to live. So he moved to Chapora, Goa in 2002. There, he improved his Skills and gathered more Experience in creating Chillums Year by Year. Nowadays he still lives and works in India during Autumn, Winter and Spring, while the Summers are reserved for his Festival-Tour. Even if the Festivals change more or less each Summer, you most probably found and find him at O.Z.O.R.A. in Hungary, Antaris Festival in Germany, Noise Poison Festival in Slovakia, Psycrowdelica as well as Freqs of Nature in Germany.


452,77 €